Who Actually Is the 666, The Pope or United States?

Who Actually Is the 666, The Pope or United States?

Who Actually Is the 666, The Pope or United States? So, herein is the challenge: (1) We need to resolve the identity of the Leopard-like beast.  (2) We need to resolve the identity of the beast or power in Revelation 13:18, thereby identifying the “man” who will bear...
Victor Houteff ’s Marriage

Victor Houteff ’s Marriage

Victor Houteff ’s Marriage Church officials not only criticized Houteff’s marriage, but his family’s having held key positions in the Association.  “Note,” said church officials,“that Mr. Houteff did not… In 1937, fifty-two year old Houteff married eighteen or...
Where is the Storehouse?

Where is the Storehouse?

Where is the Storehouse? The heart of the matter rests with the definition of the word, “storehouse.”  The term storehouse, was the ancient place where food was stored and dispensed.  So likewise,… Tithing Rod believers are sometimes asked, as if committing a...
The Sealing of God’s people

The Sealing of God’s people

The Sealing of God’s people There are variations in traditional Seventh-day Adventist thinking regarding the sealing, but there is a common thread. Most agree that the mark of the beast, or what we typically refer to… The Denomination’s Position There are...